The flights are booked. The countdown starts. Time flies when you have a million things to do!
We have less than six weeks left before leaving for the UK.
Hopper is a great smartphone app that helps you decide when to fly and buy. Hopper indicated that the best time in January to buy flights from George to London leaving at the end of February was between 10 and 14 January. According to Hopper flight prices would increase after the 14th Jan. It also showed us that the best day to fly would be on a Monday. Yes, it is that specific.
We waited for a few days and watched flight prices on various booking sites, including Kayak, Cheapflights, and Skyscanner. kept coming up with the best deals for our route. We mostly book flights between South Africa and Europe with and have been using them for more than ten years. They have this great map which shows you the best time of year to fly.
For the first time since travelling with the children, we chose a flight with 1 stop-over instead of direct. The prices for direct flights are almost double! We are flying with Air Etihad Airways with a quick 2-hour stop-over in Dubai. I hope we will make the connecting flight in time.
Air Etihad offer a loyalty program for earning traveller miles. You can claim your miles on their website straight after your flight departure date. Most airlines have loyalty programs so remember to check it out next time before you book your flights. We use as our online mileage manager. It’s free.
The Beginner’s Guide to Points and Miles: Essential Travel Tips
We booked a lovely house on a farm or small holding just outside Hungerford with Airbnb. We booked it for all of March and got a 50% long-stay discount! We will get Brendan’s event schedule for the UK soon. Once we have that we can book Airbnb accommodation for the rest of our time in different parts of England and we can plan our trips to Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Airbnb referrals
If you book your next trip on Airbnb by clicking here we get credits towards our next trip. Once you sign up with Airbnb you will get your own referral code to share with friends and family to get your own travel credits for future bookings. It’s a great program that works. I love the guest and host review system of Airbnb. It keeps the community accountable.
We also host on Airbnb for Skyways (Self Catering Apartment House). See our host profile for Skyways here. Visit Skyways on Facebook.