It’s July already! What happened to June and where has it gone?
June was a burn-out month. We laid low a bit and explored less. It happens. I think three months at full speed is our families travel limit before we need a good break to recharge. Then we go all-out again. Sounds like a good rhythm. Do-able. More sustainable energy wise.
I say that we laid low, but we stayed in Airbnb’s and went to London, Durham, Stockport, Chester, Rowarth in the High Peak district, Ascot and Northampton with a side trip to York to visit the Jorvik Viking museum. Lots of moving from place to place and seeing the country.

Road Trip USA
See the awesome picture of the Big Sur Campervan by a campsite next to an emerald green lake? That’s going to be us in a few months. On our epic family road trip across the United States of America ya’ all.

Click here to see the route we’re planning. It’s a rough draft, open to advice and tips if you have any.
We chose Escape Campervans to get us where we want to go. Their Big Sur van will serve as our luxury camping car/home for the first two months as we explore California and the national parks all the way up to Yellowstone with a loop via more national parks back to San Francisco. The smaller Maverick van will get us from the West coast to the East coast via the Southern border over the last month.
I am practically paralyzed with excitement. Every time it dawns on me that IT’S HAPPENING, my heart skips a beat. The 19th of September feels forever away, but at least the countdown has begun, the flights are booked, and our transport is sorted.
Coming your way soon is a post about how the planning process is going for this trip and of course, the “during” and “after” stories. The best way to stay in-touch and to keep up with us on a day-to-day basis is to follow us on Twitter, but you can also keep up via Instagram and Facebook .

Recharge With Family
The kids and I will visit my mom and sister in Wicklow, Ireland for a few weeks before Brendan joins us to fly out to San Francisco, so we’ll explore this beautiful part of Ireland and share it with you soon.
DNA Test Results
On another exciting note, our DNA test results just arrived on our MyHeritage website. We can’t wait to share what we learned with you. Very interesting. I have to sign up to a premium membership to make the most of it, and I have lots of work to do next month to get our family tree up to date so that we can trace our roots back as far as possible. More on that coming soon.
Don’t Miss It
In case you missed our recent posts here they are: